First Speech

Addressing Strategic and Domestic Challenges

Dave delivered his first speech to the Senate on Wednesday 20 March 2024.  

In his speech, Dave warned that Australia’s strategic holiday was over, and that the world was becoming a more dangerous and contested place. He urged Australia to defend the international principles that deter aggressors, rather than free-riding.  

Dave spoke of domestic challenges facing Australia, including a growing tax burden, low productivity, rampant growth in government expenditure, declining living standards, and a lack of competition in key sectors. He warned that Australia risked a path of national decline unless these challenges were addressed. 

Dave also spoke of the increasing burden being place on younger Australians, from the unaffordability of homes, to growing student debt and high income taxes. He warned that housing was a social good, not an asset class, and that unless housing was made more affordable, Australia risked generational inequity and social division. 

Warning against growing risks to social cohesion, Dave used his speech to emphasise the importance of strong institutions, shared civic values and respect for fellow Australians as critical components of Australia’s success as a pluralistic society.

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